Guild of Fine Food Member Benefit

Customer Experience Review


The Guild of Fine Food has partnered with insight6, experts in customer insight, to provide a support package which is designed to help improve your business and provide the stats to back up your service promises. You will be visited once a year, for FREE, and a bespoke report will be submitted to you as part of the service. Additional visits and training support will be available at a special Guild member discounted rate to address any issues highlighted in the report.


The next step to receiving your FREE Customer Experience Review as part of your GFF membership is to complete the form on this page.  When you have filled in your details, your local Customer Experience Director from insight6 will be in contact. At this time you will be given the specific information you need in order to receive your mystery visit. You will also be able to discuss further insight6 support at the Guild member discounted rates.


We look forward to speaking soon.


[If you are not already a member of the Guild of Fine Food and would like to find out more, please visit the Guild’s website.]

Claim your Customer Experience Review today...

Take the first step towards your FREE CX Review programme using the form below. We shall endeavour to contact you within 48 hours of receiving your enquiry.

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