Your CX Specialist for the Staffordshire

Ian Kelsall

“There is only one boss – the customer, and he/she can determine the success (or demise) of your business, simply by choosing to spend their hard earned cash with you, or spend it somewhere else.”
It makes no difference how big or small your business is, whether you have customers, clients or another reference you use to describe your consumers, the truth is that if you do not look after the people that help you pay the bills, your competitors will.
I work alongside my clients to drive bottom line profits through improvements in process efficiency, process effectiveness, and Customer Experience transformation, enabling the businesses I work with to grow, develop and become even more successful.

If you can stand out in a crowded market place, keep doing the things that your customers love and improve the things that they don’t, your business can get more customers, keep more customers and grow income streams.

Get in touch to find out how an insight6 Customer Experience program can help you achieve this.


Swan Physio

Swan Physio

“Using instant insight, along with the support provided by Ian Kelsall, has enabled our clinic to extend the care we give to our clients beyond the rooms they receive first class treatment in! We are able to get feedback from our clients on their overall experience with our team of highly trained practitioners, feedback on improvements in their mobility or treatment of pain, and the instant insight system also enables us to introduce other helpful programmes to clients that they might have been unaware of...PLUS Google Reviews too. We continued to provide clinical services to many clients who could not access treatment via the NHS during the pandemic, and the instant insight system enabled us to communicate effectively with our clients about all the safety measures we had put into place to ensure they felt safe attending their sessions. I am enormously proud that our clients overwhelmingly agreed that they felt Swan Physio was a safe place to visit, at a time when that mattered most to them.”Carys Roberts - Clinical DirectorSwan Physio
Myers and Co Solicitors

Myers and Co Solicitors

“We have been using instant insight for approximately 4 years. In that time, we have gained valuable insights into our overall law firm client experience. This is particularly helpful mid matter as we can act on the feedback our clients give us during our time acting for them. The client feedback we receive also gives us the opportunity to celebrate success with our team, in addition to coaching any areas we can improve. We used our instant insight feedback system to check on the wellbeing of our team as part of our annual employee engagement survey, and more recently, implemented a weekly survey to get real-time feedback on how safe our team felt at work, as lockdown eased and we blended home working with some office working. Our team are confident that we care about their welfare and they know we are committed to providing them with a safe place to work. The instant insight system’s real-time email notifications enable us to act swiftly if any team member has concerns.”Steve Myers - Managing DirectorMyers and Co Solicitors

“We have now been working with Ian Kelsall from insight6 for almost 3 years. In addition to the conference speaking and TGI Partner training that Ian delivers for us, we also use the instant insight system to get feedback from our Retail Partners on the performance of the TGI Supplier Partners that we work with too.

The feedback that the system enables us to capture, along with the invaluable support from Ian interpreting the results, helps us to identify opportunities and take action to improve our business.”

Eddie Reid
Managing Director – TGI Golf