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Rhian Anstey CCXP Success

Rhian Anstey CCXP Success

Rhian Anstey CCXP, our CX Specialist for North Wales, Chester, and The Wirral, knows that Customer Experience (CX) is more important than ever. She...

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CX and Service: a Winning Strategy

CX and Service: a Winning Strategy

Standing out in today’s competitive market requires more than a great product or service. It demands a strategy that places customer experience (CX) and...

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The One Thing

The One Thing

In our newsletter, blog posts and articles on LinkedIn, we have written about a vast range of topics over the past few years, incorporating a variety of...

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Have You Got A Mayday Button?

Have You Got A Mayday Button?

Those of us who walk in the customer’s shoes each day of our working life are feeling pretty smug right now. The stage is well and truly set for a...

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Rhian Anstey CCXP Success

Rhian Anstey CCXP Success

Rhian Anstey CCXP, our CX Specialist for North Wales, Chester, and The Wirral, knows that Customer Experience (CX) is more important than ever. She...

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Is Observation Dead?

Is Observation Dead?

I was recently browsing the local supermarket shelves for a loaf of gluten-free bread that I was purchasing in anticipation of a weekend guest who...

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How To Run A Customer Service Clinic

How To Run A Customer Service Clinic

Customer service. It’s the benchmark that every business knows it should be measuring. It’s the topic that should be featured in every team meeting. It’s...

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Customer Engagement Strategies

Customer Engagement Strategies

Strategies you can implement to improve customer engagement insight6 explores the importance of customer engagement, the impact it has on Customer...

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Is Your CX Strategy Red?

Is Your CX Strategy Red?

Customer experience (CX) strategies are in. Outdated marketing plans based on figures and historic patterns are out. Believe it or not there are still...

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Which Wolf Are You?

Which Wolf Are You?

You will have seen this photo before I’m sure. The interpretation that goes with the image goes along these lines: The three wolves in front are old and...

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The Rise Of The Review

The Rise Of The Review

When I book a holiday, I have a process I routinely follow. I choose several hotels or destinations based on my budget and the facilities I require, I...

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How do you make your customers FEEL?

How do you make your customers FEEL?

"I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."–Maya Angelou...

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Disconnect To Reconnect

Disconnect To Reconnect

You are at your most creative in the early part of the day. You are fresh, full of ideas and clear-headed enough to create and to plan, (well that’s what...

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Which Wolf Are You?

Which Wolf Are You?

You will have seen this photo before I’m sure. The interpretation that goes with the image goes along these lines: The three wolves in front are old and...

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How Does Your Team Feel?

How Does Your Team Feel?

February is the month of love.  Whether you embrace the whole Valentine’s Day spectacle or scorn the mushy outpouring of sentiment, one thing is...

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The Rise Of The Review

The Rise Of The Review

When I book a holiday, I have a process I routinely follow. I choose several hotels or destinations based on my budget and the facilities I require, I...

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Have You Got A Mayday Button?

Have You Got A Mayday Button?

Those of us who walk in the customer’s shoes each day of our working life are feeling pretty smug right now. The stage is well and truly set for a...

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CX and Service: a Winning Strategy

CX and Service: a Winning Strategy

Standing out in today’s competitive market requires more than a great product or service. It demands a strategy that places customer experience (CX) and...

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